Month: April 2021

How to Manage Anxiety in Competitions


Play Confidently and Avoid Outcome Thinking How anxious do you become during stressful moments in competitions? Would you describe yourself as an anxious athlete? Anxiety doesn’t just happen in sports. Even in championship games, the event itself doesn’t cause anxiety. Why do so many athletes become anxious in competitions? Two reasons contribute to anxiety in

Visualization Can Give You a Mental Edge

Comebacks and Meltdowns in Sports

How to Experience Success Before Competition How do you gain a mental edge over your competition? Mental practice or visualization is one strategy that can give you a decisive advantage over your competition. Visualization is a mental skill that uses images combined with other senses to experience a successful athletic performance prior to a practice

Athletes Who Are Stuck in a Training Mindset

adversity in sports

How to Develop a Competitive Mindset What is a competitive mindset? Can you learn to develop a competitive mindset? Two mindsets are important for your success. The are: the training mindset and the competitive mindset. These mindsets are characterized as: 1. The training mindset consists of improving the fundamental aspects of your sport. The training

Approaches to Mental Coaching with Dr. Bob Winters

Sports Psychology Podcast

The Sports Psychology Podcast In this week’s podcast, Dr. Cohn interviews long-time friend, Dr. Bob Winters, an internationally renowned mental coach, Author and professional speaker.  Known as “Dr. Bob”,  he helps world-class athletes, collegiate players and teams, juniors, and individuals attain confidence and achieve new levels of athletic and business excellence. Dr. Patrick Cohn is