Fear of Failure for Athletes

Fear of Failure in Perfectionist Athletes

Sports Psychology Podcast

Overcome Tension and Anxiety In this sports psychology podcast of Sessions with Doc, Dr. Cohn discusses how perfectionist athletes have anxiety and tension when they compete. One of the characteristics of perfectionists is that they feel a lot of anxiety and worry due to their fear of failure. Often the fear is about disappointing others and not

Athletes Who Focus on Avoiding Mistakes

Sports Psychology Video

Sports Psychology Case Study Do you or your athletes focus too much on avoiding mistakes? This happens a lot with athletes who have a fear of failure… You might think that trying to avoid mistakes or have a mistake-free game is the way to go, but it backfires for most athletes. When you try to

Fear of Failure and Mental Toughness in Sports

Sport Psychology Video

Do You Struggle With Being Calm During Games? In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about Fear of Failure and Mental Toughness in Sports. Visit Peaksports.com and click on contact us to submit your question for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast or podcast.

How The Yips And Fear Are Connected

Golf Psychology Podcast

Struggling With The Yips In Your Short Game? Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf using golf psychology strategies developed over the last 20 years of his career. In this week’s golf psychology

Sports Psychology Podcast: Conquer Doubt Before Competition

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, Dr. Cohn helps an athlete competing in martial arts. Sports psychology expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn helps athletes boost confidence. Dr. Cohn answers the following mental game question: I plan to compete in a mixed martial arts fight in 3 months. I am already nervous.  I’m not sure if it is because of