Mental Game Coaching Professional

Education Helps Athletes Accept Mental Training


How can you convince potential clients that it is worthwhile for them to spend time and money working with a mental coach to improve their game? This is a question an MGCP asked recently…. My answer: It’s hard to “convince” athletes and coaches they need mental game coaching unless they see a need for it.

How to Be and Effective Mental Game Coach


Mental Game Coaching Professional Program I’ve receive a lot of questions from both sports psychology students and professionals who want to do mental coaching with athletes. Here’s a recent example: “I completed my MS in sport psychology and am currently finishing my doctorate in clinical psychology. I’m wondering if you have any tips that would

Mental Coaches: Why Athletes Assume Focus is to Blame


Mental Game Coaching Professionals Do your athletes assume that their focus is to blame for their mental errors or lack of performance? We know that concentration (or mental focus) is critical for maximum performance. But many of my athletes think lack of focus is to blame for making mental mistakes and not ultimately playing to