MGCP certification

Self-Intimidation for Athletes

Why Athletes Feel Intimidated Do you or your athletes feel intimidated when competing against top competition? Or do you see it as a challenge to embrace? Against top-tier competitors, are you able to rise to the occasion or do you question your ability to perform well? I’ve worked with many athletes over the years that

Helping Athletes Apply Mental Game Lessons


Mental Game Coaching Not all athletes follow the mental coaching lessons you teach them… Today tip is based on a question I received from my mental game coach survey and the challenges mental coaches face. Here’s the question: “How do you motivate the athletes you coach to follow through and actually practice what you teach?”

Education Helps Athletes Accept Mental Training


How can you convince potential clients that it is worthwhile for them to spend time and money working with a mental coach to improve their game? This is a question an MGCP asked recently…. My answer: It’s hard to “convince” athletes and coaches they need mental game coaching unless they see a need for it.

Top Mistakes Mental Game Coaches Make in 1st Session


A mental game coach trying to establish himself recently asked me this question: “What is the number one mistake mental coaches make on the first session with an athlete?” I’ll give two answers to this question today because I think the answer depends on your philosophy about how to do mental coaching… First, I believe

Benefits of Personal Mental Game Coaching

Mental Coaching

Are You Interested in Mental Game Coaching? I just returned from a short vacation last week with my wife and two daughters — ages four and 12. We spent a few days hiking in the Adirondack Mountains located in upstate New York. It’s good to take a break now and then and come back with

Can You Make a Living as a Mental Game Coach?

Mental Coach

Becoming a Successful Mental Game Coach I’m often asked by persons who want to get into mental coaching full time this question: “Can I make a living as a mental game coach?” My short answer is “yes.” A handful of people–who don’t teach sports psychology at a university–do make a living as a mental game